First Aid For Seizures

Tonic Clonic Seizure
Characterised by convulsive seizures where the body stiffens (tonic phase) folled by general muscle jerking (clonic phase).
Do Not
- Put anything in the person’s mouth
- Restrain the person
- Move person unless in danger
- Stay with the person
- Time seizure
- Protect from injury, especially the head
- Roll onto side after jerking stops OR immediately if food, fluid or vomit is in the mouth
- Observe breathing
- Gently reassure until recovered
Focal Dyscognitive Seizure (Complex Partial)
Characterised by non-convulsive seizures with outward signs of confusion, inappropriate responses or behaviour.
Call 000 for an Ambulance if:
- You are in any doubt
- Injury has occured
- There is food/fluid/vomit in the mouth
- Seizure occurs in water
- Person has breathing difficulties
- Anter seizure quickly follows
- If the person is unconscious & actively seizing
- The person is non-responsive after seizure
Do Not
- Restrain the person unless they are in danger
- Stay with the person
- Time seizure
- Genrtly guid away from harm
- Reassure until recovered