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From 1st January, 2017 you must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to be issued with a statement of attainment for any Nationally Recognised Training – this includes all first aid courses and LVR courses.
Visit this link to create your USI Number
Getting a USI is a quick and easy one-off process
You will need to have acceptable ID. The most popular ID is your Medicare Card or Driver’s Licence. Other forms of acceptable ID are listed on the web site and they include:Australian Birth Certificate
Citizenship Certificate
Immi Card
Australian Passport (current)
Certificate of Registration by Descent
Visa (Australian entry)
Also Drivers Licence (Australian) or Medicare card (Current / Australian), mentioned above.
What is a USI?
The USI is a requirement put in place by the Australian Government, Department of Industry and applies to all VET students in Australia and to all training providers.
The objective of the USI is to provide Australian students with a central record of all Nationally Accredited Training which can be accessed by students and training providers.
The USI will link to a secure online account that contains all your training records and results that you complete from 1 January 2016 onwards.
All students must have a USI before a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) can issue a Statement of Attainment (SoA) upon the successful completion of training. This is now an Australian government law.
The USI is available online at no cost to the student. Once a participant has registered their USI, it will stay with them for life and be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course that is completed.
Who needs a USI?
All students studying nationally recognised courses in Australia from 1 January 2016 will be required to have a USI. Training providers must not issue an SoA without a student’s USI.
How to get a USI?
It is free to register a USI, and only takes a few minutes online at Students will need to
provide their USI when they enrol for any training course from 1 January 2016.
If a participant does not have a USI?
Your trainer is prohibited by law to issue your Statement of Attainment for your training. You may participate in the course but you will not be able to get your Statement of Attainment until you have provided your USI.
If you have further questions regarding the USI, please visit the USI website.
We are happy to help
If you are having difficulty we are happy to assist you to apply for your USI. The process is very quick. USIs are issued straight away by the USI web site and you only need to do this once.